Oil Paintings &
Digital Prints for Sale

iPhone: +47 46800877
(Please e-mail or sms me for questions, appointments, price quotes and orders)

Title: ‘Trær og Kratt ved steinete Strand’ …
med 2024 justeringer
(‘Trees and Bushes at rocky Beach’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Gran’ (‘Spruce’)
60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas (sold):

Title: ‘Trappen og Bastionen II’ (‘The Stairs and the Bastion II’ (from Mölker-Bastion, Vienna)
54cm x 65cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘L’Horloge II’ (‘L’Horloge II’…in St Tropez)
 51cm x 60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Midtsommernatt’ (‘Midsummer Night’)
65cm x 54cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: ‘Trær ved Havet’ (‘Trees by the Sea’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: ‘Blå Trær’
 (‘Blue Trees’)
 81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Thrust Faults’
Line: Subscapes 
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Høstkyst’ (‘Autumn Coast’)
100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Café Couleurs’ (motivet/inspirasjonen er fra Det Gamle Bageri (dgm) i Drøbak)

 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Compressional Flower-Structure’
Line: Subscapes
60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Extentional Flower-Structure’
Line: Subscapes
60cm x 73cm, ol on canvas: 

Title: ‘Rullesteiner’ (‘Rolling Stones’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: 'Høsthavn II' ('Autumn Harbour II')
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Bjerketrær i blått Landskap’
(‘Birch Trees in blue Landscape’)
65cm x 54cm, oul on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bortenfor’ (‘Beyond’), 73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Der Verden ender’
(Where the World ends’)
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Sol på Skjærgårdsbryggen’ (‘Sunshine at the Coastal Landing’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Min Fjord’ (‘My Fjord’)
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: 'Morgendisen letter' ('The Morning Haze fades')
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas (sold):

Title: ‘Soloppgang II’ (Sunrise II’)
My second ‘cover version’ of Edvard Munch’s ‘Solen’ (‘The Sun’). 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Blå Nattseilas’ (‘Blue Night Sailing’)
 Fritt etter Emil Noldes  ‘Moonlit Night’
 73cm x 60cm, oil on canvass: 

Title: ‘Blå Kveld’ (‘Blue Evening’)
 60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Ytterst’ (‘Outermost’)

73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas (sold):

Title: ‘Rundsva på Lavvann’
 (‘Rounded Rocks at Low Tide’)
60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Himmel og Hav’ (‘Sky and Sea’)

 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Strandbeskyttersteiner’ 
(‘Beach-Protection Rocks’)
100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Solefall over blå Dal’ 
(‘Blue Glen at Sunset’) 
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Ankomst/Avreise?’ (‘Arrival/Departure?’)
60x73, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Landfeste på Permisk Putelava’ 
(‘Tiepoint on Permian Pillow-Lava’)
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Etter Regnet’ 
 (‘After the Rain’) 
 73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas (sold):

Title: ‘Solgløtt på Gylden Åker’
(‘Sunny Spell on Fields of Gold’)
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘En skarve Skarv’
 (‘Just a single Cormorant’)
 73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Solgløtt og Solsikke under grå Skyer’
(‘Sunny Spell and Sunflower under a grey Sky’) 
After van Gogh
60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas: 

 Title: ‘Venter på Vincent’ (‘Waiting for Vincent’)
A ‘mash-up’ after van Gogh and Munch
 60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas, (original sold):

 37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout also available:

Title: ‘Stemmen i Alyscamps’
(‘The Voice at Alyscamps’)
A ‘mash-up’ after van Goghs ‘Falling Autumn Leaves’ and Munchs ‘The Voice’
60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Madonna og Stjernene’
(‘Madonna and the Stars’)

A ‘mash-up’ after van Goghs ‘Starry Night’ and Munchs ‘Madonna’
 60cm x 73 cm or 73cm x 60cm , oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Nattcafémelankoli’
(‘Night Café Melancholy’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas:

 37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout also available:

Title: ‘Snø på Strandstien II’ 
(‘Snow on the Beach Path II’)
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:  

Title: ‘Gammel Bjerk ved islagt Fjord’
(‘Old Birch at frozen Fjord’)
 60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas:

TItle: ‘Jentene på Herrebadet’ (‘The Girls at the Gents Bath’)
 A ‘mash-up’ of Edvard Munchs oil painting ‘The Girls on the Bridge’ and my oil painting ‘Changing Cabins at Gents Bath’

 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas (sold):

 46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout  available:

Title: ‘Strandmelankoli’ (‘Beach Melancholy’)
My interpretation of Edvard Munchs oil painting ‘Melancholy’. 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas (sold):

 46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout available:

Title: ‘Vårkveld ved Akershus I’
 (‘Spring Evening at Akershus I’)

My rendition of Harald Sohlbergs oil painting ‘Vårkveld’. 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas (sold). 

37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout  available: 

Title: 'Jentene på Brygga II' ('The Girls on the Landing II').  My ’cover version’ of Edvard Munchs oil painting 'The Girls on the Bridge' 
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Nattkaféen’ (‘Café la Nuit’) 
 My interpretation of Vincent van Gogh’s oil painting ‘The Terrasse Café at the Forum Square’
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Såmann i Solefallet’ (‘Sower in the Sunset’)
My rendition of Vincent van Gogh’s oil painting ‘Sower with setting Sun’
100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Piletrær i Solefallet’ (‘Willows in the Sunset’)
 My ’cover version’ of Vincent van Gogh’s oil painting ‘Pollard Willows with setting Sun’
100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Det gule Huset om Natten’ 
 (‘The yellow House at Night’)
My interpretation of Vincent van Gogh’s oil painting ‘The yellow House’
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: 'Jentene på Brygga' ('The Girls on the Landing'). My interpretation of Edvard Munchs oil painting 'The Girls on the Bridge' 81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas (sold):

37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout available:

Title: ‘Omkledningskabiner IV’
 (‘Changing Cabins IV’)

 100cm x 81cm, oil on canvas (original sold): 

 46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout available:

Title: ‘Katedralbyen’ (‘The Cathedral City’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bella Notte 4, i Trastevere’
 (‘Bella Notte 4, at Trastevere’)
 81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Bella Notte 2’ ...fra en Takterrasse i St Tropez
(‘Bella Notte 2’...from a Roof Terrace in St Tropez)
46cm x 55cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bella Notte 1’ ...ved St Jaume, Alcudia
(‘Bella Notte 1’...at St Jaume, Alcudia)
50cm x 61cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Snø på Strandstien’
 (‘Snow on the Beach Path’)
 73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Fjordis, Frost og Furu’
 (‘Fjord-ice, Frost and Pine Trees’)
 60cm x 73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Fjordis og Frost’ (‘Fjord-ice and Frost’)
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bella Notte 3’ ...under Pinjene
(‘Bella Notte 3’...under the Pine Trees)
73cm x 60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘The Tramp Spirit’
 81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘The Tramp Magic’

81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘The Tramp’
81cm x 100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Steiner og Einer’ (‘Rocks and Juniper’)
 60cmx73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘5. November kl. 5’ (‘5th of November at 5’)
73cmx60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Fjord av Gull II’ (‘Fjord of Gold II’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Tre Robåter’ (‘Three Rowing Boats’)

81cmx100cm, oil on canvas.
 37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout also available:

Title: ‘Skur på Sva’ (‘Shed on Rock’) 
 73cmx60cm, oil on canvas (original sold).
46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 70cmx50cm white passpartout available:

Title: ‘Senhøstes’ (‘Late Fall’)
60cmx73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Fjord av Gull I’ (‘Fjord of Gold I’)
 73cmx60cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Solgang i Bukta’ (‘Sun Effects in the Bay’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas.
46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout also available:

Title: ‘Fire Robåter’ (‘Four Rowing Boats’)
100cmx81cm, oil on canvas (original sold).
46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee-paper mounted on 70cmx50cm white passpartout available

Title: ‘Havblikk og fjære Sjø ved Svartskjær’ (‘No Wind and low Tide at Svartskjær’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas (original sold).
37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 70cmx50cm 
white passpartout available:

Title: ‘Kystskyer’ (‘Coastal Clouds’)
73cmx60cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Steinete Langgrunt’ (‘Rocky Shallow’)
81cmx100cm, oil on canvas (original not available).
37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout available:

 37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout also available:

Title: ‘Lange Solefallskygger ved Fjorden’ (‘Long Sunset-shadows by the Fjord’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas (sold)
37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout  also available:

Title: ‘Vintersolverv II’ (‘Winter Solstice II’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Messinglav på Svaberg’

(‘Orange LIchen on Rocks’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Granittlandskap i Kveldsol’ (‘Granite Landscape in the Evening Sun’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas:

Title:  ‘Steiner på Strand og i Vann’ (Rocks on the Beach and in the Water’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Tre Robater ved Isegran’ (‘Three Rowing Boats at Isegran’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: ‘Fortøyd II’ (‘Made fast II’)
60cmx73cm, oil on canvas (original sold)

37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints mounted on white passpartouts available:

Title: ‘Granittlandskap (‘Granite Landscape’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bekkeos, 5. April’ (‘Creek Outlet, 5. April’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Myr ved Vann, 5. April’ (Marshed at a Lake, 5. April’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Siv og Stein i den blå Timen’ (‘Reed and Rocks in the blue Hour’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas:   

Title: ‘Skulpturerte Svaberg’
(‘Sculptured Naked Rocks’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Danmark, Larkollen’ (‘Denmark, Larkollen’)
100cmx81cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: ‘Det flør ved Svartskjær’ (‘The Tide comes in at Svartskjær’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: ‘Steiner i lé’ (Rocks in the wind-shadow’)
100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Vinter i Skjærgården’ (‘Winter at the Coast’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Zigma-skygge på Svaberg’ (‘Zigma-Shadow on the Rocks’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Steiner på Strand’ (‘Rocks on the Beach’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas (original sold). 
46cmx37cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout  available:

Title: ‘Skjærgårdsbrygge i Solskinn’ (Coastal Landing in the Sunshine’)

81cmx100cm, oil on canvas (original sold).
37cmx46cm, numbered digital prints on Giclee paper mounted on 50cmx70cm white passpartout still available:

Title: ‘Ute på Bryggekanten’
 (‘At the End of the Landing’)
 60cmx73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Steinete Strand og rødt Hus’
(‘Rocky Beach and red House’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas (sold): 

Title: ‘Solefall i Skjærgården’ 
(‘Coastscape Sunset’)
00cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Sand-Dyner på Stranden’
 (‘Shifting Sand-Dunes on the Beach’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Syv Trinn i Sola’ (‘Seven Sunny Steps’)

81cmx100cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Gåtefullt Smug i Trastevere’ (‘Enigmatic Close in Trastevere’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas:  

Title: ‘Pinje-Samba i Roma’ (‘Pine-Samba in Rome’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Kveld i Via della Lungaretta’

 (‘Evening in Via della Lungaretta’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Dansende Pinjer i Roma’
  (‘Dancing Pines in Rome’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Underveis III’
(‘On our Way III’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Underveis II’ (‘On our Way II’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Strandsteiner på Huk’ (‘Beach Rocks at Huk’)

100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Etter Regn kommer Sol V’
(‘Sunshine after Rain V’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Underveis I’ (‘On our Way I’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Is på Kanalen’ (‘Ice on the Canal’)

100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Etter Regn kommer Sol IV’
(‘Sunshine after Rain IV’)
100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Etter Regn kommer Sol III’
(‘Sunshine after Rain III’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Etter Regn kommer Sol II’
(‘Sunshine after Rain II’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Etter Regn kommer Sol I’ (‘Sunshine after Rain I’)

100cmx81cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘To Olivenlunder og to Steingjerder’ (Two Olive Groves and two Stone Walls’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Oliventrær og et Vedskjul’ (‘Olive Trees and a Shed’)

100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Olivenlund og Steingjerde’ (‘Olive Grove and Stone Wall’)

100cmx81cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Natt i Pozzallo’ (‘Night in Pozzallo’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Skjærgårdsbrygge’ (‘Coastal Landing’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Dualisme’ (‘Dualism’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Steinete Langgrunt II’ (‘Rocky Shallow II’)
 81cmx100cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Ved Fjorden en Sommerkveld II’ (‘A Summer Night at the Fjord II’)
100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Skygge på Strand og Vann’ (‘Shadow on Beach and Water’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Langgrunt og Lavvann ved Solefall’ (‘Shallow and Low Tide at Setting Sun’)
 10@cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Steinen og Treet’ (‘The Rock and the Tree’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title:  ‘Paradise Bay’
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Levd Siv ved levd Brygge’
(‘Lived Reed at lived Landing’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Våte Stier ved Fjorden’

(‘Wet Trails at the Fjord’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Nye Emner’ (‘New Pieces (...to shape)’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Svabergsbrudd’ (‘Bare Rock-Face Quarry’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Høyvann og Høysommer’ (‘High Tide and Mid Summer’
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Vårkveld ved Fjorden’ (‘Spring Evening at the Fjord’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Kilelandskap’ (‘Shallow Bay Landscape’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Kanal ved Smögen’ (‘Canal at Smögen’)
90cmx70cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Ved Fjorden en Sommerkveld I’ (‘A Summer Evening at the Fjord I’)
 90cmx70cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bryggene og Borgen II’ (‘The Landings and the Fortress II’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘I Skyggen’ (‘In the Shadow’)
 60cmx73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Landskap ved Traunsee’ (‘Landscape at Traunsee’…Austria)
 90cmx70cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Skogen bortenfor Skogen’ (‘The Forest bejond the Forest’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Langs en Bekk om Natten’
(‘Along a Creek at Night’…from Soller, Mallorca)
 60cmx73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Sønnavind i Evjebukta’ (‘Southerly Breeze in the Evje Bay’)
 70cmx50cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Frukt og Grønt i Deja’ (Fruits and Vegetables in Deja’…Mallorca)

60cmx73cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Landsby i Provence’ (‘Village in Provence’)
 50cmx40cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Vindstille og Fjære Sjø ved Langfjorden’ (‘No Wind and low Tide at Langfjorden’)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Bortenfor Pinjene’ (‘Bejond the Pine-trees’…from Cagliari, Sardinia)
 100cmx81cm, oil on canvas: 

Title: ‘Sommerkveld i Åsgårdstrand’ (‘Summer Evening in Åsgårdstrand’) ..at Edward Munch’s House
 61cmx50cm, Oil on canvas:

Title: ‘Veien til Slottet’ (‘The Road to the Castle’…from Enns, Austria)
 90cmx70cm, oil on canvas: